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Journey Through The Veil Meditation

Journey through the veil This meditation should be done with only pure intentions, make sure you ground and protect yourself before you do this journey through the veil meditation. Simple ways of grounding and protecting can be done by visualising yourself surrounded by pure white light.  Imagine yourself walking in a barren October wood, all the trees are bare and crisp golden-brown leaves lay on the floor. It is so silent and almost eerie, you hear the leaves crack beneath your feet with each step you take. You walk calmly and peacefully through this beautiful wood, no sign of life anywhere, yet you are filled with the sense of familiarity, like you have been here before. You start to hear...

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Samhain Samhain is festival of darkness and transition, celebrated on October 31st, to which is balance to the opposite point of the wheel; Beltane on May 31st which is a spring festival celebrating light and fertility. Samhain pronounced "sow'inn" translates to “SUMMERS END” and is the Celtic New Year festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the "darker half" of the year.  Samhain is a time to celebrate the lives of our ancestors, it is a festival to celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. It is a holiday to honour and give life to passed family members, pets and others we have loved and cared about by celebrating them and telling stories of who they were....

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Taurus Hunters Full Moon Ritual

Taurus Full Moon Ritual - October 2018 The Taurus Full Moon on October 24th, also known as the Full Hunter's Moon is going to help us to find our calm, it is in this place of calm and tranquility that we find our strength. This is the strength that comes when we align and centre ourselves. Even in the most volatile and disruptive situations when we are level headed and calm we can overcome and withstand any situation life throws at us. Even though Taurus is one of the most stable and balanced signs of the zodiac, the energy that this October moon brings will heighten and intensify certain situations or emotions you won't be able to ignore... by following this ritual or creating...

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Taurus Full Moon - Intuitive Astrology

Intuitive Astrology: October Full Moon 2018 The Taurus Full Moon on October 23rd/24th is here to help us find our strength. This earthy Full Moon is here to stabilise us, strengthen us, and help us to find our feet again. Mama Moon will help us find our place of calm, help us make that connection with that feeling of peace and tranquility within our heart and mind, a place a lot of us often forget exists. For a lot of you earth signs you may be feeling the pull of this October’s Taurus moon more than others, it may be stirring feelings of regret or anger, and there may be volatile energy circulating in the air. The energy of this moon isn’t here...

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Pisces Full Moon Meditation

The Pisces Full Moon on August 26th-27th is going to be one of the best Full Moons this year, showering us with a beautiful, calm and restorative vibration. This moon is here to guide us through the intensities we have all experienced through the recent cosmic events of eclipses and retrogrades.  The energy of this Full Moon is going to bring us back into alignment, it's going to stir our passions and activate our feminine energy, reminding us of our power and our connection to the Divine. If your fears have been illuminated recently it's because you were meant to feel the pain, mother moon is here to soothe you and melt them away. Under the influence of this Pisces...

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