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Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Scorpio 2019

The Scorpio New Moon falls on October 27-28th and is bringing strong waves of transformational energy that we will feel deeply in our hearts, and our very core. Every New Moon is a time of inner union, a time when the Sun and the Moon are exactly conjunct at the same point in the sky, together at 4 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio. It’s the union of masculine and feminine, of yin and yang, the reunion and reintegration of the two celestial bodies since the last pairing in the New Moon in Libra. The Sun and Moon in Scorpio is an intense connection into your emotional well being, it delves into where you go to feel things that others...

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Taurus Hunters Full Moon Ritual

Taurus Full Moon Ritual - October 2018 The Taurus Full Moon on October 24th, also known as the Full Hunter's Moon is going to help us to find our calm, it is in this place of calm and tranquility that we find our strength. This is the strength that comes when we align and centre ourselves. Even in the most volatile and disruptive situations when we are level headed and calm we can overcome and withstand any situation life throws at us. Even though Taurus is one of the most stable and balanced signs of the zodiac, the energy that this October moon brings will heighten and intensify certain situations or emotions you won't be able to ignore... by following this ritual or creating...

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