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Mabon / Autumn Equinox

The Wheel Turns once more, another High Holiday, and another reason to celebrate life. We say goodbye to the vibrant golden days of summer, and hello to the bountiful blessings of autumn. With the turn of the wheel, brings a magical new Sabbat; Mabon or Autumn Equinox is the season of transformation and deep introspection. We welcome in the darker nights and longer days that draw us into a more reflective phase when we can look back on the year and acknowledge both what we have gained and what we have lost. Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, and it is when we take a few moments to honour the changing seasons and celebrate the second harvest. It is a time to...

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Samhain Samhain is festival of darkness and transition, celebrated on October 31st, to which is balance to the opposite point of the wheel; Beltane on May 31st which is a spring festival celebrating light and fertility. Samhain pronounced "sow'inn" translates to “SUMMERS END” and is the Celtic New Year festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the "darker half" of the year.  Samhain is a time to celebrate the lives of our ancestors, it is a festival to celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. It is a holiday to honour and give life to passed family members, pets and others we have loved and cared about by celebrating them and telling stories of who they were....

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