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☽ WHAT IS BELTANE? ☾ Beltane honours Life. It represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility and at this point in the Wheel of the Year, the potential becomes conception. On May Eve the sexuality of life and the earth is at its peak. Beltane is a celtic festival, also known as May Day, and is celebrated on the 1st of May. The Festival Sabbat Beltane translates as ‘Bright May Day’ -  ‘Bel’ meaning ‘Bright one’ and ‘Tein’ meaning Fire.It is a fire festival which celebrates the return of the summer and the return of the fertility of the land, and is one...

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Aries New Moon Magic

I wanted to share with you my story about how this Moon, around this time last year had a powerful and positive impact on my life. My Full Moon Rituals were birthed from the potent energy of this New Moon in Aries. Last year on my 30th Birthday, on the 15th April, the moon fell in my sign, and I knew the potential this moon had for me. I could feel it! Feeling compelled to do my rituals as always, I did what I always do on a New Moon, I bathed, saged my myself and my space, lit my candles and meditated. Only this time my meditation went deep, I was met by my higher self, who told me...

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Ostara Spring Equinox

Ostara Celebration How to harness the magic of Spring and create your own Ostara altar! Spring is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere and most of us might be feeling the urge to get outside and explore. Traditionally, winter is the season of rest, just as the animals and nature reflect this, going into hibernation and preparing to emerge with the promise of spring, we too use the winter months to retreat, rest and renew. Spring is a time of renewal, new beginnings and rebirth, nature is awakening all around us, we see it in the flowers, tree’s and newborn animals. We too are awakening, full of bright new energy and ready to break into something new, metaphorically, we are all...

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☽ What is Imbolc? ☾ Imbolc is the second of the Greater Sabbats in the Witches' Wheel of the Year. Celebrated on Feb 1st & 2nd and marks the beginning of the lambing season and the beginning of spring. It is a time to let go of the old and welcome the new, a time for new beginnings and rebirth. It is a fire festival that represents fertility and giving birth to new life. It is the perfect time to clear and declutter our lives, as well as our minds, allowing our outer and inner space to welcome new beginnings. Imbolc pronounced “im’-molk” is an Irish Gaelic word which means “in milk” - a nourishing element to this season with...

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Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo

On January 31st 2018, we were graced with.. wait for it… a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse! This Full Moon was also in the sign of Leo, and was the first of three Blood Moon’s heading our way, creating a portal of change and transformation. Next we had an Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in July 2018, which was the longest eclipse of this century, lasting an hour and 23 minutes. For the finale, we wrap up these Eclipses with another Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo, which is the last in the cycle, which means the final rebirth is here. This is the final release and culmination moment to all of this energy, and it’s the perfect time for ritual...

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