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Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual

The Sagittarius Full Moon on 17th June is dreamy, intuitive and fiery and bringing us all the creative feels! Sagittarius is a seeker of truth, an explorer of new adventures and knowledge, and is here to remind us that the magic we seek, has been inside us all along. The fiery sign of Sagittarius will help ignite the fire within so we can step into our personal power, our own truth, and help guide us intuitively to explore our dreams in a new direction.The energies surrounding this Full Moon are bringing us waves of new inspiration, but on a deeper level, if we so desire, will be gifting us with new downloads of cosmic information, all for the greater good...

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Ostara Spring Equinox

Ostara Celebration How to harness the magic of Spring and create your own Ostara altar! Spring is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere and most of us might be feeling the urge to get outside and explore. Traditionally, winter is the season of rest, just as the animals and nature reflect this, going into hibernation and preparing to emerge with the promise of spring, we too use the winter months to retreat, rest and renew. Spring is a time of renewal, new beginnings and rebirth, nature is awakening all around us, we see it in the flowers, tree’s and newborn animals. We too are awakening, full of bright new energy and ready to break into something new, metaphorically, we are all...

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Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo

On January 31st 2018, we were graced with.. wait for it… a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse! This Full Moon was also in the sign of Leo, and was the first of three Blood Moon’s heading our way, creating a portal of change and transformation. Next we had an Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in July 2018, which was the longest eclipse of this century, lasting an hour and 23 minutes. For the finale, we wrap up these Eclipses with another Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo, which is the last in the cycle, which means the final rebirth is here. This is the final release and culmination moment to all of this energy, and it’s the perfect time for ritual...

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Journey Through The Veil Meditation

Journey through the veil This meditation should be done with only pure intentions, make sure you ground and protect yourself before you do this journey through the veil meditation. Simple ways of grounding and protecting can be done by visualising yourself surrounded by pure white light.  Imagine yourself walking in a barren October wood, all the trees are bare and crisp golden-brown leaves lay on the floor. It is so silent and almost eerie, you hear the leaves crack beneath your feet with each step you take. You walk calmly and peacefully through this beautiful wood, no sign of life anywhere, yet you are filled with the sense of familiarity, like you have been here before. You start to hear...

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Samhain Samhain is festival of darkness and transition, celebrated on October 31st, to which is balance to the opposite point of the wheel; Beltane on May 31st which is a spring festival celebrating light and fertility. Samhain pronounced "sow'inn" translates to “SUMMERS END” and is the Celtic New Year festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the "darker half" of the year.  Samhain is a time to celebrate the lives of our ancestors, it is a festival to celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. It is a holiday to honour and give life to passed family members, pets and others we have loved and cared about by celebrating them and telling stories of who they were....

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